Monday, May 7, 2007

Hey, hey, hey!

Welcome to electicity! Yep, you read that right.

First of all, if you don't know what a "blog" is, don't fret. Now imagine the next line coming from Naploean Dynamite's mouth: "It's pretty much like the coolest new thing to come along on the web in a long time, duh!" Be enlightened. In a nutshell: "A blog (short for web log) is a website where entries are made and displayed in a reverse chronological order. Blogs provide commentary or news on a particular subject, such as food, politics, or local news; some function as more personal online diaries."

All right, once and for all I am starting my own blog. I don't know who is going to read it besides me and a few close friends and family members, but it'll at least give me a chance to post things I am interested in and sort of create an online journal of the events in my life. I guess I could also digg my own blog to try to get certain stories and information on But that's another story.

As you may know, I am "into" a lot of things. I get very bored without things to look forward to. Obviously my family and work come first, but I am into computers/technology, science, reading, fishing, gaming, sports, etc. Without these "seasonings," life just wouldn't be that interesting. I spend a lot of time emailing links to stories, pics, videos, and I suppose I could just tell people to visit my blog to check that stuff out.

So this blog will be very eclectic, so welcome to "electicity." I am not going to worry about making this blog widely appealing, so you can skip the "niche" stuff and look for things that are compelling to you.


Anonymous said...

this is a test--sue

Anonymous said...

Are you sure it's not epilecticity? I was reading your blog and then clicked on another window to read something else (it had a white background) and it sent me into seizures. My eyes will never be the same.

You should try it.


Daniel T said...

Ha! Wait, going into sezureejioeeijfskll;;ldfl;...fdjdksldjlfsdkjdf