Thursday, October 2, 2008

Opposition to Prop 8 is "Hijacking" Civil Rights

If you choose to watch this, make sure you stick around to see the last gentleman, he makes some EXCELLENT posts. For example, he's not just against homosexual sin, he's against ALL sin and the heterosexual who uses his or her sexuality in ways contrary to the dictates of God will face judgment just as the homosexual will.


Kath said...

Amen to that! Loved it, thanks for sharing.

Spence said...

Excellent post. I had a law professor, an African American, who spoke with me at length about this very thing. She certainly was no pastor, but the mere idea that homosexuals were using the civil rights movement to promote their own 'cause' really bothered her.

We are voting on the same issue over here in AZ - but I don't think its getting near the attention as it is over there in your state.

Keep up the good work!

Eastman's World said...

This has nothing to do with Prop 8, but I've finally finished the request that you made of me...

Daniel T said...

Nothing to do with Prop 8? Well, in my opinion, the opposition to Prop 8 would like to couch their argument in the idea that this is a Civil Rights issue; they want to cast those of us who support 8 as the same sort of bigots who vehemently opposed giving African-Americans the right to vote in the mid 20th century. As the faithful gentlemen in the video make abundantly clear, this is not a fair stance in that there are fundamental differences between what some deem "gay rights" and the broad term "civil rights." In the end, however, I believe that their argument will win out and the two issues will merge. Until then, we must fight for divine institution of marriage.

Eastman's World said...

I meant that my "Comment" didn't have anything to do with Prop 8. I know that this clip was awesome and dealt very much with the subject...but my earlier comment was just to let you know that I updated my Blog. LOL!

Daniel T said...

Oh! Ok! Sorry man, I was confused! Thanks for clarifying!

Man Child said...

It seems like this video is based on the potentially dubious assumption that homosexuality is a choice. It seems like most of the arguments and the outrage die if you view homosexuality as a genetic disposition.

Daniel T said...

You're absolutely right B-Hal. Personally, I believe homosexuality can be a choice, a result of abuse (which is very often the case), and an inheritance from our previous state of being (before being born into this world). These men obviously take the stance that it's a choice. Of the homosexuals I have known, many claim to have had premature or abuse sexual experiences with members of the same sex which, of course, is tragic but not a justifiable reason to be homosexual.