Thursday, October 30, 2008

Cake Wrecks I

Last year I saw this hilarious picture of this cake that shows an obvious misunderstanding (WOW) by the cake decorator.

The Cake That Started It All...

"...And underneath that, write 'We will miss you'. Got it?"

Now there is a whole bunch of great photos of horrid cakes out there, so here are a few. And don't worry, I plan on making this a regular happening on the Todd Pad. By the way, I DIDN'T WRITE THE COMMENTARY, for better or for worse.

When Evil Commercial Fishermen Marry

All that's missing is a little icing net draped over the guys at the bottom - and is that a pool of monochromatic blood? Creeeepy.

Apocalypse Cake

The sky is falling! The sky is falling! Quick, someone make a cake!

Yes, there's nothing quite like plummeting balloons and unconscious clowns to celebrate your own personal apocalypse. Anyone have some radiation milk to go with it?

Gee, thanks, "kids!"

I'm not really sure what the "20th" denotes: 20 years of being a "dad"? 20 "children"? Or maybe the cake is for the 20th "dad" to come along? Eh?

Regardless, any cake decorator who thinks the title Dad deserves quotation marks probably needs therapy. Or an English lesson. One of those two, anyway.

Speaking of Weeding...

How about weeding out the illiterate cake decorators?
This is someone's ACTUAL wedding cake, people. So stop laughing; it's tragic. Really. Well, in a funny, unintentionally ironic kind of way...

Today we salute you, Mr. Grocery-Store-Cake-Decorator

(singing) "Mr. Grocery Store Cake Decor-A-TOR!!!"

Yes, when faced with the challenge of your own stupidity, you valiantly ice on, turning that perfect-yet-mistakenly-crafted "2" into a not-so-perfect-but-still-reasonably-acceptable "4"...

(background singing: "ooo, make mine in chocolate!")

So here's to you, Mr. or Mrs. Grocery Store Cake Decorator: although perhaps you should lay off the Bud Light while you're at work.

(Fading Out: "Mr. or Mrs. Grocery Store Cake Decoraaaaatoooor!")

You know your mom is cheap when...

you have to share your own birthday cake. With a boy.

(Yeah, I'm taking Ashley's side. Why? Because a) she likes Disney stuff, b) she's enduring what I'm assuming must be a sports logo on her birthday cake, and c) she's a girl. But mostly the Disney thing.)

I like the unintentional irony of having Eeyore on the cake, though. A glum donkey for a glum-ass cake - it's quite appropriate. Still, I have a few questions:

1) Since the "Eagles" logo is blue, why is the icing green?
2) Can anyone see the colors green & purple together and NOT think of either Mardi Gras or the Joker?
3) How come Glen gets his name capitalized, but not Ashley?
4) Did anyone else first read this as "Happy ashley Birthday Glen"?
5) Doesn't Glen's side look bigger? Hey, I think it IS bigger. Mo-oooommm!!!

Credit: CakeWrecks


Nicki said...

Oh man, Brady and I are both laughing OUT LOUD at these. Thanks for sharing!

The Ward Family said...

I did read the last cake "Happy Ashley Birthday Glen." :) Where are these cakes from so I know not to buy any from them? :)