Thursday, October 9, 2008

Claire Loves Preschool Too

Of all the things I should be doing while Carter is preschool, I must post something to get Danny's last post from being the first thing you see when you open our blog! Danny does have the natural ability to find all sorts of interesting things in on the web, and it truly is one of the things I love about him. Although, when he found that video last night (it was a youtube suggestion after we watched a homemade prop 8 video call The Best Gift*) I did walk out of the room before it finished and said "that is disgusting" while he was laughing hysterically.

Speaking of Carter's preschool, he is not the only one that loves it, Claire does too. As soon as we walk through the gate, she kicks her legs to be let down and finds the first "baa" (ball) she can grab. Last week she climbed in to the wagon and Carter took her for a ride. He was so gentle and sweet about it too. I didn't have my camera so I brought it Tuesday to have him do it again. Claire was more stoic about her ride this time but she still did not want to leave.

Carter now selectively dresses himself. When I say selectively, I mean that when I say "go get dressed, Carter" he suddenly "can't", but when I am trying to get him dressed he then has lots of opinions. In the preschool photos he dressed himself that morning and the following are from two weeks ago at church. I asked Carter which tie he wanted to wear, he responded adamantly, both ties. I agreed since he normally will not keep his tie on at all. He kept them both on all through church and here are his funny faces from when we took his picture after church!

*Even if you don't live in California, check out the Church's website for Prop 8 (and the other similar propositions in other states) at I love how technologically savvy the Church is. At the bottom of the site are icons to "digg", post to Facebook and a variety of other options. At the broadcast last night, they discussed having righteousness go "viral". Let's do it!


Christine said...

Silly little boys are so much fun. Isnt the best when brothers take good care of their sisters. And you can see they are really trying to be gentle!

Very cute!

Kath said...

SO cute! I love the two ties and I can't believe how big Claire is getting. I bet you wish she could go to preschool to!???

Kat said...

Good to see a post from Sarah and pics of the kids. Thet are adorable.

Hope that didn't sound like I don't like Danny's posts. They are some of the few blog posts I enjoy reading and read all the way through. Keep up the good work. Nothing like random trivia, gross foods, and profundity to brighten your day. Thanks Danny!

Jennifer said...

Two ties little stinker. I hate kids selective abilities to do things. It happens way too often at our home! I think he is begining to look more and more like you Sarah!

Familia Bethers said...

I personally love that he wears two ties to church. Makes him stand out, don't you think? Besides, who says we should do the same ol' boring single tie anymore? Claire and Carter look so sweet on the tricycle/wagon. Claire has grown up so much, and I love her belly and chubby checks! Makes me want to SQUEEZE them!

Heidi said...

SO CUTE! Love the two ties...hey maybe he will start a new fashion statement and the trend will catch on.

Ella did preschool this week too and LOVED it...those wild girls...hun!

Moore Family said...

I love that you LET him wear the two ties..... thinking back to when my kids were little....I would have made him wear only one. It's good to let kids make decisions even if they are a little out of the norm. You're a good mom.

c said...

Ha! So funny that he wore two ties. I guess if he did that every other week and pulled them off on the other weeks, you could say he averages a tie a week (hmmm, that's a weird thing my father-in-law would say. So scratch that!)

Cassandra said...

Wow, your kids are getting so big! It's good to see you on here too! I'm not a very good blogger. But I'm trying!