Friday, June 13, 2008

Givin' feedback on the BEST browser: FireFox 3

I just thought this was funny. You'll see below that I recently sent some feedback to Mozilla, the company that makes what is, in my opinion, the best browser (the program you use to surf the net), namely FireFox. Anyway, after submitting the feedback I got some text about Jimi Hendrix which I thought was a nice little touch. I think Google is partially responsible for the kind, humorous touches that more and more software companies are beginning to add to their products. Mozilla, by the way, is freeware/open source group, so it's not for profit and is largely developed by pooling together talented people to provide quality software tools without an evil CEO wringing his or her hands in some tall backed leather chair somewhere (and don't get me wrong, I'm not Bill hater, but I think open source is cool...and is the future).

Hendrix - Submission Successful

Thank you for your feedback, and for using our software.

Your message was:

Name:    Daniel Todd
Email: djtoddatgmaildotcom
Product: Firefox
Summary: COntrol F Should Reset the Search Field

So, as a teacher I use the search function in FireFox 2 (Control + F
key) to quickly search for names in a large roster. In version 2.0
after I had searched for a name and then clicked on a button in an open
window if I hit Control + F it would automatically take the cursor back
to the search field and highlight the text so all I had to do was type
in a new name, no clicking of the mouse required. Now, however, in
version 3, after I have clicked off the search field on a button, if I
hit Control F it doesn't automatically take the cursor back to the field
and highlight the name, I have to manually click on the search field
with the mouse. A small thing to some, but it costs me a lot of time
over the days and weeks, you know?

Browser Details: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.9) Gecko/2008052906 Firefox/3.0
From URL:

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

My brother-in-law is a total firefox fan.