Saturday, January 31, 2009

Denny's Serious Breakfast Commercial

Thankfully, we don't see very many commercials these days but I do miss the funny spots. I was on the notebook tonight when I heard this commercial and my subconscious was awake enough to cause me to rewind and check it out again. Not only is it funny, but it can be entered into my canon of funny ads--both fake and and real--that deal with food and gluttony. Not that Denny's Grand Slam is truly gluttonous, but if you get it and order a few extra sides then you'll get there.

Anyway, this isn't laugh-out-loud stuff, but it'll evoke a smile due to it's cleverness and because it's well cast and has just enough nuance to do the trick.

No matter how many times I see this spot I love it. Perfect in nearly every way. I love the looks the caveman on the right does...look at the nuanced expression in his face when he first notices the sign with his peripheral vision. Excellent stuff.


Amber Barney said...

Chris loves that commercial, too! He downloaded the song and everything.

Anonymous said...

yeah. interesting post :))