Thursday, January 1, 2009

I Quit! And other resolutions...

I just quit GameFly. GameFly is like Netflix for video games. I have often defended electronic gaming, but once I got addicted to Fallout 3, an RPG on the Xbox 360, in November I was quickly reminded that the side effects of video game addiction can be destructive and pathetic. Sleep loss (I can't play games like this in front of Sarah and the kids...and what does that say about the game's content right?), obsessive thought patterns and increased consumption of food late at night were just a few of the old companions who returned to my life.

Then today, on the way home from an amazing mountain biking excursion in the local hills, my buddies Gary, Ryan and me stopped to check out a Brazilian jiu-jitsu studio in MoVal. I decided some time ago that I want to join a BJJ school and this might be the place. After talking to Sarah she told me I should cut back in other areas to make up the difference in the membership fees to which I agreed. My video game rental service is something I've been considering sloughing off for some time and tonight, after a wonderful date with her which included discussion of our various life goals, I decided now's the time.

Why does this matter? Well, obviously it matters to my family and I since it will free up 1-8 hours a week. Since I don't watch much TV, my liesure time is generally composed of a little TV, reading, riding my bike and video games. I've always loved interactive gaming which, of course, has taken leaps in bounds in the last few years thanks to the huge jumps in computer technology. So, with the extra time I plan on exercising more, putting more time into Gospel study and meditation, writing more (I've got my "little" writing project on the side), working on the lawn, and, of course, working harder to be a better husband and father which, I think we all agree, is a life time endeavor!

So, honey, check out the above image and say hello to $17.97 more per month...hey, that's actually a lot of money! I was in denial before ("Hey babe, $15 a month, or whatever, is not that much for all the entertainment it provides!).


Paul/Heather said...

You are so lucky to see things the way you do.
tell sarah hi for me.
Happy New Year...enjoy your free time! :)

Sarah said...

What a beautiful day it is! I love you babe;)

c said...

Good for you Danny! It is hard giving up things that are fun but do not fit into the "best" or even "better" categories. Happy New Year!

Jennifer said...

ugh...I just got Dave a gmaefly subscription for Christmas. Let's just hope that his last few years of video game restraint can hold back the flood waters...good for you Dan!