Thursday, April 17, 2008

Baby Animalz

So, the other day the need to look up pictures of baby animals arose so, naturally, we headed over to (by the way, could there be anything more lame than replacing the perfectly good "s" on the end of the word with the letter "z"?). It pretty much goes without saying that baby animals are very cute, so it was simultaneously pleasant and unpleasant to find shockingly ugly little animals on the website. I've taken the liberty of posting the most horrific little creatures below for your personal enjoyment. In order to maximize the shock value of the horrid little infantile critters, I've posted one cute one for every ugly one:


Not so cute:


Not so cute (we just saw an exhibit with these at the SD Zoo):


No so cute (wow, just spend a minute looking at the little dude on the left):

Ok, so not technically babies, but really ugly!:

This poor guy might be diseased (I showed Carter all of these animals and asked him which ones were cute and which ones were ugly, he said this guy was "cute" and it actually made me feel bad for this poor creature, now I'm feeling a little guilty for putting him out there for potential ridicule. If you feel bad for him, send me $, $10 via PayPal and I'll see what I can do):
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This dog was on TV. He's very old and blind, but the owner loves him and he won the ugliest dog award (I think it was on a national level):

He may have met his match here (NOT photoshopped by the way):

*Last word: some people tend to take me way too literally. If I ever ask you to send me money, for example, to assist some pathetic animal that is most likely dead, please don't. Now, if you feel bad for the the wretched animal I am, then by all means, send money. Cash is perferable, but PayPal's fine too.


aprilaleman said...

i can't believe animals this ugly even exist. You should post a cute lil pic of Kiki, the cutest dog in all the world.

c said...

Siiick!! Even with a quick scrolling through, that was totally disgusting! And I am so with you on the 'z' thing. It totally discredits any professionalism from businesses (or businessez) that do that!

Jennifer said...

Oh Gross! Enough said!

Todd Family said...

hahahahahahahaha! that's all i have to say. it just goes to show you that even ugly things get attention! that ducky thingy in the bath dub or something is cute! :)i want one! ha!

Spence said...

Dang it! I was just on my way to bed and thought I'd check out your I'm going to have nightmares of zombie canines. Thanks Dan, thanks a lot.