I believe it's illegal in some states to create a Christmas post before having posted pictures from Thanksgiving, but I guess if the law comes down on us, so be it. Between Thanksgiving and Carter's birthday on the 14th of this month, we've taken quite a few photos.
We've had a great couple of months. I was off for most of November, went back to work for three weeks, and have this week and next off. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving, as always, and are preparing to celebrate Christmas with our families. Tonight we'll be at my folks' and tomorrow we'll be with Sarah's family.
Here are some photos for December. If it seems like we post an excessive amount, it's because we're going to print our blog into a book, so this is really our family scrapbook...and, well, a place for my ramblings and eccentric reflections.
Anyhow, we hope you enjoy Christmas and, regardless of your religous/spiritual traditions and beliefs, we hope you embrace the Christian ethos of love, gratitude and generosity. For my family and I, today and tomorrow is a celebration of the Savior, Jesus Christ, the ascended master who paved the way back to the Father with His endless sacrifice. We worship him now and forever. May all seasons bring you blessings and may we all choose happiness!
Carter attends preschool at a Methodist Church and recently took part in a performance there. My dad, Adam, Ryan, Uncle E & Grandma Sue came...thanks guys! Here are some photos we took:
The light was quite low, so here's the best I could come up with (the photos had to be manipulated to lighten them up, thus the grainy texture):
After the performance we visited his classroom:
Carter and Mrs. Stalder (Carter says she's "cute but a little old"):
Our room right now:
Sarah cooked a delicious meal for our neighbors, the Petersons (Reid is on the right). We also invited our other neighbor, Sharon, and her parents. Sarah did a fantastic job and all the food was delicious! Thank you honey! I think we might even get a little post by her about it.
Thank you for the many Christmas cards (there are even more than this, but we havent' put them all up yet...and Claire likes to take them down too, of course!) We're very blessed to have such wonderful friends and family. We love you all! :
Merry Christmas Charlie Brown!