Thursday, September 11, 2008

"Shout Outs"

The title...I couldn't resist. I was out in the garage trying to fix my bike when I had this idea come into my head; I've always wanted to do the shout out list, like those found in a CD booklet or in the credits of a video game, so here's the first of what will likely be a series of posts designed solely to give thanks to those friends, family members and acquaintances who help me/us in so many ways. I figure if I were to die tomorrow, It'd be nice to leave something like this behind (don't read anything into that statement, any one could go at any time!).

First of all, my biggest thanks obviously goes to God for I truly believe and I feel His love in my life every single day. Second, to Sarah, the love of my life and the mother of the two most beautiful things I've ever had the blessing to call "mine."

Thanks... my father and mother who've stayed together through thick and thin (very thin at times) and always kept God and us, the kids, number one in their lives despite the fact that they both had very difficult childhoods. my sisters, as crazy as they can be at time, whom I love in a way that I can't describe. I'm proud of all three of you. the Carters who treat me like one of their own and who help us out with the kids so much. Also, to Jake, E and Rob whom I call my brothers. my surrogate grandparents, the Ottosens, for all their love and support. all of my extended family. Even though we don't see you as much as we'd like, blood always runs thicker than water. I can't wait to do some hiking and adventuring with Uncle Kevin, Todd, etc. November? my OG G-MO...thanks for the conversation two Sundays ago, I'm still thinking about all of that and I better hear from you again soon. I hope everything works out. Blood brothers! Wes and Apes for being there for us so often to help with the kids. Mel and Jer for their undying friendship. Mike T. for all of his help with my new responsibilities. Jay for his critical approach and professional help. Ned for listening to my philosophical and theological ideas. my new friend Freedom and for the book. Thanks man, I hope to make a pilgrimage to the Bhodi Bookstore in LA some time. Riste for all of his help at FMS and for kicking a brother down with Diet Cokes despite the death threats. Dave T. for listening when I needed someone with whom I could be 100% honest. all of the"MMA Friends." Can Couture do it again? I don't know, but I hope I'm with you when it goes down. Big Dave and Martha for the delicious dinner a few weeks ago. Let's do the picnic soon! Oh yeah, and Dave, I haven't laughed as hard since that night. That goldfish can't breathe man! Jarom M. and Jeremy for their friendship and for hitting the pavement with me recently. It's great to have friends, but it's even better to have friends with principles. Shawn for being willing to help me get that computer up and running even though all we did was end up shooting the bull and laughing. Josh for our weekly conversations at church and the fishing trip which are too few and far between. Pres. Parker for everything he's done for me and the genuine feeling of love I feel when I see him. everyone I've forgotten!


aprilaleman said...

Thanks Dan... we love ya!

Jennifer said...

Whew, we made the list (even if it was just the catch all) always the danger with doing a "shout out".

Ned & Heidi Broberg said...

CRAZY!?!?!?!? I beg your pardon I am not crazy...what are you thinking...ha ha ha...

At least I am grounded enough to pick a husband whose grounded, right!? You even have said so yourself, so see you have to give me that.