Monday, July 14, 2008

Back on that wagon!

If you're thin and fit, then ignore this post. For everyone else who could stand to get into better shape, it's time to get back on ye olde wagon. Sarah and I both have genetics and our past eating habits working against us, so the Todd house is a place in which the battle to become(me) and stay(Sarah) healthy is ongoing. Actually, I've learned that healthy people are not simply healthy, they're working at it every day. It's kind of like being happy, it takes daily attention and work. Sarah is one of my heroes in terms of health since she exercises almost every day which usually means getting up very early or pushing both kids in the doube jogging stroller which is no easy feat, especially with the hills around our house.

As of last week I am refocusing myself to drop some more weight, which is a euphemistic way of saying FAT, and I'm using a number of "tools" to help me. Of course the dieting culture machine tries to create around weight loss is a big crock since it's all about how many calories one consumes versus how many one expends which is why I find that a good CALORIE CALCULATOR is a great which helps you know how many calories you're burning each day and therefore how many you need to eat to maintain you're current weight as well as how many you should eat to lose. I prefer simple calculators and one of the best I've found comes from and can be found HERE.

Another great tool that motivates me to work out is to listen to the song "Tomorrow" by Silverchair. Seriously. Check it out on or (great, legal ways to listen to music on the net).
And finally, my secret weapon (thanks to Hay and Adam for the good deal):
A ride up into the hills, down the horse trail and then on to the University is A LOT of fun and is mostly down hill...until I have to ride home up Blaine. Me no likey the jogging but me likey the two wheeled mobile.


Haddorkus said...

Good luck with the whole wagon thing. I am with you on this one the whole genetics, habit thing against you. I have the side thing where my Dan has to be in shape for his career so when I am not it makes me feel worse. Having good tools is a huge help.

I hope you enjoy your bike rides.

Heidi said...

Well I am allowed to comment right now... and Sarah is a little fit queen...she is my pregnancy motivation to stay semi in shape and work hard after...she always looks so good prego...I will jump on the wagon though here in just about two months.

Jennifer said...

Will you loose a few for me while you are at it please?

Spence said...

Maybe I should get me a two wheeled mobile and ride through the reservation dodging arrows.

Good luck with your next weight goal - I'm sure you will reach it real soon. If I had enough will power I'd challenge you to a competition, but alas it may have to wait a few more weeks.

I'm going to have some bacon.