Saturday, July 18, 2009

Someday we'll catch up...

My getting behind all started in early May after I went to Women's Conference at BYU. It was definitely the best way I could have spent two days and felt recharged when I returned home. I had answers to prayers and confirmation that I am on the right path and although I have so many ways to improve, the Lord loves me. I also felt like being creative and domestic and made Carter a blanket, our niece Ella a tutu for her birthday, organized some closets and put blogging on the back burner.

And then life just got busy! One day in June I was thinking about blogging what I just wrote. I was getting the kids ready to go out to a ward park day when I noticed Claire went quiet. Claire being quiet is NEVER a good thing. I went into Carter's room and found this:

She climbed on the toilet and got nail polish out while I tried to do a three minute beauty routine then painted her toes and nails AND the carpet. She was so proud of herself and said "I paint a toes." Claire definitely makes getting the smallest task done difficult. She is a whirling dervish. She loves to destroy and make messes. I know it is because she is almost two and is quite normal. It can be frustrating at times though. Even trying to post this, I've been interrupted five times. Now she is crying and Danny is trying to comfort so I can push "publish." I really do want to catch up blogging but don't hold your breath:) One last photo of Claire because she is so cute and smart and we are glad she is part of our family even though she exhausts us all. She recently started asking "why?" One day Carter complained about how much she was asking it and we reminded him it was he who taught her to say it:)

She stripped herself and came out like this. What a girl!


Amber Barney said...

I'm totally sold on the Women's Conference idea. I mean, what woman wouldn't pay to be motivated to organize closets?!? Claire is adorable, even in her craziness. The fact that you took a picture means you could appreciate the laughter in the moment, eh?

Heidi said...


Our little CLAIREY!

I will just say, Ella loves her tutu..he he he

Unknown said...

who needs birth control! thanks for the post.... lol. totally kidding of course! i certainly hope my sense of humor is still in tact when i have kids. i have a feeling they're going to be crazy.

Familia Bethers said...

LOL! Isn't this just the way life works? BUT you just can't resist smiling when you hear stories like this one and see the photos too!

Familia Bethers said...

LOL! Isn't this just the way life works? BUT you just can't resist smiling when you hear stories like this one and see the photos too!

Paul/Heather said...

I appreciate the updates...I know they come with sacrafice! :)

The Ward Family said...

I love her!!! She is just so cute. Kuddos to u because I know you're probably exhausted by the end of the day.