Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Bones are Fragile

Today Claire and I drove with some friends to a water park in a nearby city and arrived to find the city doing maintenance. Annoying! So we came back close to home to go a park with a small water feature. Claire wasn't too excited about the water and all the slides were really hot. I thought of the great idea of going down on a towel. We went down once, she loved it. We went down again and her foot caught on the slide at the end. I watched it bend back and knew immediately it was injured. Claire is a rough-and-tumble gal but she whimpered for a while and wanted to be held. She tried to walk on it after a little while and crumbled. I took the advice of another mom and put her down for a nap first (I am grateful--Carter was at the beach with my mom so I got some quiet time) and then I took her to Kaiser. She broke her fibula right above her ankle and will be in a cast for 4-6 weeks. No swimming and limiting the heat is dissapointing but the most dissapointing part of all is that at Kaiser Fontana they only have white casts! No cute hot pink cast to dull a mother's pain of watching her child suffer!!

Claire is a trooper and minor injuries like this make you realize how wonderful it is to have healthy bodies and that she will be just fine in the long run! Carter was sweet, too, he said, "I didn't want my sister to get hurt, I didn't." So, send me your great ideas of what to do to keep your toddler entertained indoors. I know Mickey Mouse Clubhouse will do that but she can't watch that ALL day--we'll all go insane;)


Sue Thorne said...

Those tiny toes in that tiny cast make such a pitiful picture. Good luck with the next 4 weeks.

aprilaleman said...

Love her.. but I don't envy you at all with that rambunctious munchkin at home, inside, all day!

Caldwell said...

Oh, poor thing! I was going to call you today to see what happened at the doctor's office yesterday! That is definitely going to make the rest of the summer difficult! Let us know if we can do anything for you...or her!

Moore Family said...

Poor Claire. Poor Sarah. When can she be up and walking on it?

Nicki said...

Oh no! So sad for Claire! I hope she's not in too much pain!

The Ward Family said...

That must have been hard to see her in pain. That is such a bummer it's in the summer! My friend has a site servingpinklemonade.blogspot.com and this site has indoor crafts but that's so hard with a 2 year old! I say fill a little pool up with beans and let her go to town. Gosh that's hard! Good luck!

Jesica Eastman said...

I think it is absolutely criminal that Kaiser Fontana does not have hot pink casts. I am writing a letter.... Give Claire a hug for me. ;)

Christine said...

So sad :( I know she's young but does she like painting, or drawing? Ashley is occupied by crafty stuff. The libraries is also a good cool place to hang out with all their story times and summer reading program events. Hope she heals fast!

Amber said...

Poor thing! I have found cute things to cook with kids on line. If you want some shoot me an email. And fruit loop necklaces are always a big hit here.

Rachel Clare said...

No pink casts?! What's UP with Kaiser?? So sorry for her. I'll be thinking of fun things you guys can do. (Come over for pizzas?) ;)
Hugs for Claire!

Holly Moore said...

Oh sad! I hope she feels better fast!

Anonymous said...

Sweet little Claire....I am so sad about your injury. I was hoping you and your family would spend lots of time at my house swimming. Your Mom and I will have to take you out to lunch sometime....O.K.?? Lots of love, Grandma Nellie

mellabie said...

Sarah, hey this is Melanie Hardy (Bush) I have loved reading your blog. I found it from Michelle's blog.
So a great idea to keep Claire busy is to get the paint sample papers frome lowes (2 of each) and one of them cut them and on the other place clothes pins. Then she can match the colors and also practice small motor by opening the clothes pins.

Sam and Janiece said...

Poor little thing! She's still way cute in a cast though...and yeah, more Imagination Movers!!!

L.B. said...

Oh no! Poor girl :(

I would say baking cookies and cupcakes but A) its quite hot to be using the oven and B) you'd end up eating a lot of those goodies and that's not necessarily a good thing.

How about the library? I've finally gotten the chance to go and have been there for a few Wednesdays in a row now. The girls like it, and Kennedy is way more into it this year, not just storytime but the whole trip.

Anyway, I hope Claire recovers quickly.

Heidi said...

OK lets plan some playdate at each others houses to keep the kids occupied and so Claire and YOU dont go crazy. LEt me know.

Maybe you could meet us at ChickfilA on a Tues. night one night in the next few weeks that is super FUN for the kids and Claire can do it too.

Familia Bethers said...

Man! That is so sad! Hopefully those weeks will pass by swiftly, and she will heal completely! Sweet little Claire

Spencer and Emily Nelson family said...

Hey Sarah! I saw your blog from Anne Marie's page so I had to check you out. I totally feel your pain with this situation. My Gavin broke his leg when he was 3 years old. It was a bad break and he was in a cast for 2 1/2 months! He picked a black cast and since he likes pirates, we painted a cross bones and skull on his cast with a stencil. We also bought this cool wagon from toys R us that folds up like a pack n play to pull him in at church (his cast was hip to toe). It got old carrying him everywhere. My husband cut down some kid crutches to fit him and he learned to use them. Good Luck, that's a total bummer!

Jennifer said...

I would have totally painted it or wrapped it in pick ducktape. I am glad she is OK (above posts). It sure is great to have a nurse for a mother!