Thursday, February 7, 2008

The Food Battle

Carter rarely takes issue with eating. On occasion, however, he refuses to even try something. In this case it was mashed potatoes (or as he kept referring to them, "hot potatoes") and spinach leaves. Now, I am not particularly fond of spinach leaves either, but when momma makes them, you grin and bear it.

This brief video depicts Carter who is strapped into his chair until he eats at least one bite of potatoes and one of the spinach. He eventually ate the potatoes but gagged on the spinach. Since he at least tried, we "released" him.

I have a ton of great photos to upload, but I just haven't had the time to edit and prepare them (mostly because the main computer's in Claire's room and she's usually asleep when I have time to work on them in the evening).

Oh yeah, if you look closely, you can still see a small bump over Carter's left eye from when he fell and hit his head at my parent's house. It's hardened up and we are going to have to show our physician to see what she thinks. A friend of ours said that their child had to have a similar bump removed (I'm trying to think of the word to describe his hardening of scar tissue...I think it starts with an "s").


Jennifer said...

I love your blog because you capture all of the fun and not so fun things about parenthood. Chase was running in the hall a few years ago at church and had a door opened on him. It hit him below his eye. He too had a small bump after it had healed. I thought it might be a bone chip. We took him to see the radiologist and it was nothing. Just a piece of fatty tissue that had been seperated and hadn't been resorbed yet. So hope for soemthing like that instead of surgery! Poor Carter...tell him big boy Chase won't eat his mashed potatos either.

aprilaleman said...

I love him... he knows exactly what he is doing and thinks its funny too... and just to clear things up, i know you all weren't there on superbowl sundee, i just didnt want to hastle about that since no one else would know.