Sunday, July 4, 2010

Team Todd Video Montage


The Ward Family said...

Great job on the video!

Unknown said...

Danny, I wish we were next door neighbors. Our kids would have lots of fun together. :) Loved the video. Julia

mellabie said...

You have a beautiful family! William is adorable. Your husbands blog about you being tired so totally hits home...I will be there in about two weeks. Heehee Hope we both recover quickly. It's great to keep up with what is goin on in your life!

Familia Bethers said...

What a great video to share! I want to swing on that swing and go ride my bike there? Where is there, BTW?

Karalynn said...

I love love love LOVE this video. I have 100s of video clips of my kids since Logan was born and really need to get them together in a cute little montage like this! So enjoyable to watch!