Friday, July 27, 2007

I need a weekend!

I've only been back to work for two days after a month and a half off and I feel like I really need this weekend! Now before you judge me as completely pathetic, I did just finish up my second full term at University of Redlands, so I have been working on school related stuff. Also, the first few days back as a teacher are a bit more taxing for me than for many others in that I am in charge of helping all of the teachers with technology, and since we just switched over to a web based attendance system, that's been a full-time job in and of itself!

I still can't find that camera cable, so I can't get the photos from Atlanta off my camera, but I did just order a new one, so any day now.

I hope you're all well. Here are some random things I found on the web this evening that I thought we're worth sharing. Enyoy!

Check out the blue hole here. I want to dive this!

Does THIS come as any surprise?
If you want something "bottled at the source," make sure the source isn't the tap. I am not a greenie, but I do think water bottles are a ridiculous waste...although I am known to have one with me most of the time. At least I am cheap enough to refill my bigger water bottles a few times before trashing them.

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