Thursday, August 23, 2012

End of summer concoction

School starts Monday and although we've really tried to keep summer screen time under two hours a day, the kids were getting and asking for "Too Much TV." I followed Mama Bear (of the Berenstein Bears)'s lead and we've gone screen free for the week. They've been counting down to when they get it back and I may have heard the word "bored" too much today but it's worth it.

This afternoon we made "face and body paint" from our concoction book. Carter made himself a zombie and Claire changed her face many times. It was lots of fun and does come off with soap and water but is awfully greasy;)

Here's the recipe in case you'd like to try:
1tbsp cornstarch
2 tbsp vegetable shortening
4-6 drops food coloring

Mix together cornstarch and shortening until smooth then add food coloring and mix well. Have fun!


Deanna said...

Tues we did the same thing (unplugged and hid our TV) after an outburst from our eldest. It has been nice. A little tricky in coming up with things for them to do but, they have done much more creative play than they would otherwise. We're thinking of making it permanent. Fun to see that we are on the same wavelength ;)

Heidi said...

Ha ha ha...what a nice Mommy you are!

Christine said...

awesome. I'm trying to keep the TV off two hours a day ;) I'll be glad when we are all back on a schedule.