Thursday, January 10, 2008

Injuries Abound

No, we don't beat our children thank you very much, they do it themselves. Ryan and Carter suffered injures in separate incidents. I recently caught up to them and got this short interview:

By the way, in case you don't know, Carter is my son (3), Ryan is my nephew (4), and Ella is my niece (1). Carter once suffered a pretty serious head injury when he was almost two years old so this latest head bump scared us for a second. Fortunately it wasn't serious and he was looking at himself in the mirror after just a few minutes. In fact I think the frozen bag of peas on his head bothered him more than the actual bump.


Heidi said...

That video sure is funny! I "Cracked it"! Our injured kids! And no we dont abuse them. I was there and can second that. :)

Holly Moore said...

Oh my gosh, that is sooo sad!! What happened to my head? Poor kid. I can't help but say that I laughed though.

Holly Moore said...

Oh yeah, Jarom's email is:

Jennifer said...

Dan we know you totally beat your kids and then try to brain wash them. The, "what did I do to my head?" from Carter only confirms it all. Shame on you...I'm telling Kathryn!

Annette Todd said...

Oh, I love those cute abused kids...thank goodness they heal or else they'd look like monsters already.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr todd thats A big bump see you on Wed30,2008