Friday, November 29, 2013

September scheduled!

September came and went as we all adjusted to school, sports and lessons starting again.  I'm hoping to never be this scheduled again but for history's sake, here was our typical week.

Monday: swap with friends 9:30-11:30
For four weeks I get to go help in Carter's classroom while William plays with friends and then I have lots of cute kids at my house every five weeks.  We're calling it a structured play date...we have a coordinating snack and art activity and let the kids play the rest of the time.  I love hosting.  I did The Little Red Hen and had the kids help me grind wheat and make our own delicious bread.  The other time we talked about ghosts in prep for Halloween. 

Although Carter's teacher mostly has me go make copies for her, Carter's face lighting up when I arrive and holding my hand as I walk him to lunch makes it totally worth it!

Family night

Tuesday: Sarah works.  Our dear friend Krista has been watching the kids on the day(s) I work.  She is fabulous.  For the first few weeks after school started, William never wanted to come home but I think the nostalgia has worn off and he now is happy when one of us arrives to get him.
Claire soccer 5-6
Carter soccer 6:30-7:30
Claire's favorite part of soccer was definitely the post-game snack! :)

After taking a year off of soccer, Carter had a great season and thoroughly enjoyed it.  His team lost all season until the final game when the winning goal was scored in the final moments by CARTER! 

Wednesday: William's preschool--William's preschool--he goes to an in-home preschool designed specifically for three-year olds and LOVES it!!  While he's at school I help in Claire's classroom and run errands in peace:)

Carter piano 3 pm
Scouts/church for Danny/Carter at 6pm

Thursday: I love having a morning home to get things done but it often gets filled with appointments and the like
Claire music 4:45 then straight to soccer until 6 pm
Carter soccer 6:30-7:30

Friday: Sarah works or catch up on the week!

When I write it all out, it doesn't seem as exhausting as it felt but that's probably because I don't have down cooking, cleaning, exercising, homework, reading time, music practice, bathing, studying and all else that fills our days!!
By the end of the month, we needed a little recreation.  We took the kids mini-golfing at Castle Park and had a great time.  Although, Daniel the coach had a hard time just relaxing and letting the kids use the putter like a machete. 

Our morning schedule to help us get out the door on time.  The pancake and waffle recipe is a 100% whole grain, real food recipe.  Here it is: Blender Wheat Pancakes 1 cup milk, 1 cup whole wheat kernels, 2 eggs, 2 tablespoons oil, 2 tablespoons honey, 2 tsp baking powder, 1/2 tsp salt.  Put milk and whole wheat in the blender.  Blend on highest setting until batter is smooth.  Add and blend on low the rest of the ingredients.  Bake on a hot griddle.  For waffles add one additional tablespoon wheat and increase oil to 4 r
Right about when summer ended, William decided he can't sleep unless he's near us so he ends up asleep all over the house.  We know we need to get serious about sleep training but he kind of pathetic when he says he just wants to be by us;). We are considering a cot for Christmas for him.  Actually, he does fine if he sleeps with the other kids so I've been in the market for a bunk bed for Carter's room and then the baby will sleep in Will's old room. 
Sunday sweeties--we love to bake on Sundays but were out of eggs so the kids ran next door to borrow some--I could eat those cute faces!
William as invited to his first birthday part all by himself and took it very seriously (the gift wrapping and card writing). 
Funny picture of Danny--he had the kids while I was at work.  He dropped his precious soda but had enough forethought to give the kids his phone and pause for a picture:)
Carter working on his Jupiter power point.  By the end of the project, he was more adept at sounds and effects on PP than I am!

1 comment:

Sue Carter said...

Thanks for the update! I love reading about your busy lives. And the pictures are the best!!