Monday, October 27, 2008

Personal Prop 8 Experience (from an email I sent tonight)

Forgive the choppiness of this email, I am writing it quickly since I need to spend my time tonight preparing for my presentation on Prop 8 which I am giving tomorrow. I want to relate how our sign demonstration went tonight:

This evening, from approximately 4:30 until 6:30PM I stood on the corner of a busy intersection holding up signs for Prop 8 alongside some very wonderful people. We were a diverse crowd representing traditional marriage with individuals from various ethnic backgrounds, something that personally made me happy. As we stood there on the corner, we received many thumbs up, waves, honked horns and, of course, our fair share of cursing and thumbs down. Overall, however, the negativity was far outweighed by positive support; we just hope those individuals who support us get out and vote now!

Anyhow, after some time we were joined by a lone "No on 8" protester who was well dressed, kind, and peaceful. Upon seeing him, one of my associates said to me, "Whoa...what do you think." I replied that I was happy to share the corner with him and that together we could express our first amendment rights. Although we disagree (obviously), I struck up a conversation and made him aware that we in no way hold hatred toward him. Indeed, as he stood there alone I began to feel a sense of admiration for even though I believe fighting for the wrong side of this issue, I know God loves him and he at least stands for what he currently believes is the right thing according to his level of understanding. In time, more individuals showed up to support him, not all of who were as tolerant of us, but we maintained peace.

As time went on, however, I saw the ugly face of hatred begin to rear it's face from both sides of the aisle. This is an excerpt from a PPT slide I wrote earlier:

The HATE is strong on both sides. Yesterday I was spit upon, sworn at, flipped off, and threatened with physical violence due to my "Yes on 8" stance. The gay gentleman amicably protesting next to me received similar treatment. At one point, for example, to both our dismay a guy drove past and yelled, "Homos should stay in the %*&$ closet!" (I immediately expressed my disgust at that hate speech to the man who told me he understood that we likely get the same thing).

In the end, the experience was quite positive and it made me realize how vital it is that as we carry forth the banner of righteousness that we do so without hatred in our hearts but with the pure love of Christ who supports us in our cause. No matter how much society at large disagree with us, God supports marriage, families, and His divine plan of salvation.


The Ward Family said...

That could not have been more perfectly said. It's amazing the hatred that people are feeling because of this campaign. You are a great example!!

Hazumu Osaragi said...


May I interject a real life situation. I’d like to hear your guidance on this.

My mother was given a drug to take to lessen the chance of miscarriage and promote healthy babies — that’s what the doctor told her. The drug is Diethylstilbestrol, or DES. In male fetuses, it feminizes the brains of one in five of us ‘DES sons’.

I finally came to terms with this, and realized my choice was transition or die. So, I’m now a male-to-female transsexual who’s had ‘the operation.’ I’ve changed all my legal paperwork and although I still have a male body with XY chromosomes, it has been retrofitted to approximate female anatomy, which is good because if I ever end up in an accident, there will be no ’surprise’ for the first responders.

I ‘pass’ very well, thank you. Only rarely do strangers figure out I was not born this way. Most people have to be told, by me, or, more often, by someone else who just has to ‘drop the bomb.’

All my paperwork has been changed. Legally, I'm female. But I have to find an OB/GYN who can check my prostate during my yearly pelvic exam (yearly mammograms don't need that level of disclosure.)

So my question to you is — knowing what you know now about me, and assuming for the moment you get absolute power to label me and make determinations on where I can and can't go —

-Do I marry a man? Or do I marry a woman?

-Which restroom and changing facility do you feel I, a male-to-female transsexual, should use when in public spaces?

-Am I immoral?

-Am I a paedophile?

-Am I tearing down western society in support of a deviant agenda?

-Am I selfish?

I eagerly await your responses;

Hazumu Osaragi

Daniel T said...

Thank you both for your responses. Regarding your comment, "Hazumu." I find your comment to be quite rhetorical, but that's fine since there really are people out there, obviously, with situations like this one which may or may not be true (I only say that because I know that in Kashimashi, a Japanese romance manga series written by Japanese author Satoru Akahori, Hazumu Osaragi is a normal, albeit effeminate high school boy who is seriously injured when an alien spaceship crash lands on him, only to be restored to health as a girl. A common theme throughout the series is the same-sex relationships that Hazumu finds herself in with two of her best female friends).

I do not think you're evil and I do not think that an evil or unjust God created you this way. Indeed, I believe in KARMA. I believe that who we are, from the color of our hair to the sexual preference we exhibit, is directly related to who we were and the choices we made before we were born into this world. I believe an all loving God brought you into this world to live and learn, just as he did me. If you choose to accept God's will, which I believe is to either engage in a heterosexual relationship, OR, if this is not something that you can do or choose to do, then you should choose a life of celibacy and show God, including your inner divinity, that you choose a different path. The other choice is to follow your passions and feelings, not relying on or asking God for advice, and choose the other path, the path of the ego and, as some might call, the path of destruction.

I love you and everyone else regardless and wish to express no hate on anyone, but to follow the objective truth found through true introspection.

More info (not from me):


"Even if you do not believe homosexuality is a sin, there are sins that make God sad. He may weep over our sins, but it is only out of love for each and every one of us. His love is unconditional, meaning He does not require us to be a certain way or do certain things to earn His love. He loves us despite the things we may do."

LET HIM WHO HAS EARS UNDERSTAND AND WHO HAS EYES SEE (here is the meat, so if you get lost here, my friends, don't worry):

"Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born of water and of the Spirit (And the Spirit of God – Ruach Elohim - moved upon the face of the waters – Genesis 1:2) he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh (physical creation); and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit (spiritual creation).

Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again. [Any type of spiritual or physical birth is only possible by means of a masculine gamete (Zoosperm) and a feminine gamete (Ovum).]

The wind (Ruach in Hebrew) bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit (also Ruach in Hebrew).

Nicodemus answered and said unto him, How can these things be?

Jesus answered and said unto him, Art thou a master of Israel, and knowest not these things? (Do not you know that the creative power of God is hidden within the union of the masculine gamete and feminine gamete)?

Verily, verily, I say unto thee, We speak that we do know, and testify that we have seen; and ye receive not our witness. - John 3: 5 - 11
And they were both naked, the man and his woman, and were not ashamed. (because they both were chaste)
- Genesis 2: 25

And Jesus answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female, and said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his woman: and they twain shall be one flesh?

Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh.

What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. - Matthew 19: 4-6

The wings of any angel represent the Igneous Wings of the Spirit that are always open to both man and woman who - during the sexual act, from their sexual waters and transform them into the wine of light in the Perfect Matrimony.

Only those who know about their Being can acquire knowledge of the unknown!

So, where is the lightning which should enlighten you? Where is the thunder which should awaken you?
Lo, and Behold, the Son of Man is that lightning that should flash within your consciousness
and his Word is the thunder that should rumble within your mind!

What the? Well, put it this way, the sexual act between a man and woman is the special power to bring new life into the world and will also provide unimaginable power and glory in the life to come if one follows the WILL of the GOD.

May all beings be happy and may everyone feel the love of God!

Daniel T said...

By the way, when I wrote "may or may not be true" I meant that this individual may or may not be telling the truth about this story. I question it because he/she did not leave a "real" name. Regardless, there are many individuals born as hermaphrodites, etc. and I pray for them since their challenge is quite unique and extremely difficut!

Kath said...

Excellent post! I appreciate you sharing your experience and am glad that it turned out to be, overall, a positive one. My heart is heavy as I worry about how these next few days leading up to the election day will go. I hope all involved on both sides of this issue will remain safe. I pray that people will get out and vote their conscience.

Familia Bethers said...

This was a great post to read, as were the comments left. Thanks Dan

Heidi Maloy said...

I found this post rather refreshing and insightful- I've been getting so sick of the debate and hate and drama on BOTH sides lately, and it was so nice to hear someone say that we can stand up for what we believe and still respect other's rights to have an opinion that is not our own. Thank you very much for standing firm in your convictions, while maintaining a decency and sensitivity that we are still all human beings that have to share this country and these neighborhoods once the votes have been cast.